Soledad Bravi
“Le livre des bruits”
(Gecko Press)
Babies and toddlers love the interaction that pointing at pictures in books, waiting for a reaction from adult readers, brings. And let’s face it, adults love making silly noises to babies and toddlers. The Noisy Book combines both marvellously. This chunky (over 100 pages!) board book offers a huge selection of noises waiting to be acted out. Each double-spread has a sentence on the left describing the noise, and an illustration on the right depicting the subject:
There is an incredible selection of noises covered in this book, from the predictable baby book ones (“the cars go brrmm brrmm”, “Mummy goes kiss kiss”) to more unconventional, and even sometimes surprising, ones (“the power socket goes NO!”, “the snail does nothing but move its elegant feelers”). This unusual take on a staple ingredient of a baby’s book diet, teamed my Soledad Bravi’s bold, bright and uncluttered style allows The Noisy Book to stand out from the rest of the offerings in this genre.
The small format makes it ideal for little hands to hold and despite the usually large amount of pages, the publishers have managed to use cards that is both sturdy and light enough so that the book does not become too heavy for little people to hold.
On either side of the book, the endpapers work as a recap of all the sounds covered in the book, encouraging browsing for noises not yet discovered.
The Noisy Book is a fantastic book which offers plenty of interaction between little people and adults readers and is lots fun. A great addition to any first library.
Illustrations © Soledad Bravi
Source: review copy from publisher
this looks like a great book – adds sone variety to the usual animal noises! I will keep an eye out for this one