Louise Yates
(Jonathan Cape Ltd)
Dog loves books, all sorts of books! He loves the smell of them, the feel of them, everything about them. So he decides to open his very own bookshop; but despite his enthusiasm, customers are sparse. But it’s ok because Dog is surrounded by books and once he opens them he never feels alone or short of adventure. So he reads, and reads some more! And when a little girl finally comes into the shop looking for a book, he knows exactly which one to recommend. Because what does Dog like even more than books? He loves to share them.
Do you know sometimes you get a feeling it is as if a book was written just for you? This one was definitely written for me (well me and millions of people who loves books, obviously). It is a great ode to books and reading, with one extremely cute little hero. The illustrations are very sweet, and Yates uses a particularly effective palette of colours. This gives the book a really gentle feel; it just like a big cuddle! This is only emphasised by the subject matter; it is a great about loving books and the power of sharing stories.
A wonderful little book which will make perfect reading for World Book Day!
This is totally cute!
I totally agree !!!