(Walker Books)
Are you into Kawaii? Or rather, are your children? This Japanese sensation means all things cute and kitsch and Moshis certainly are that! These little creatures who vaguely look like rabbits love dressing up and Moshi Town is full of little Moshis dressed in different costumes: Panda Moshi, Angel Moshi, Submarine Moshi, Rainbow Moshi, etc etc … there are hundreds of them! Somewhere amongst this colony of funky Moshis, is Strawberry Moshi. It is up to the reader to find her first and then join her in her adventures across Moshi Land. The first step will be to help her find her sweetheart, Super Moshi! Strawberry Moshi and Super Moshi are in every scene but the reader will also need to find all sorts of different Moshis.
I have to admit I am a fan of this kind of stuff; I was a huge fan of Hello Kitty when I was little and still love looking at all the Kawaii stuff in our local Forbidden Planet store! I also read a lot of manga so obviously I have an affinity for this side of Japanese culture. But even if you don’t really buy into the whole Kawaii culture, this activity book remains a great alternative to Where’s Wally? for little girls. There is endless fun in there, which is a blessing as the summer holidays draw near and you might need to entertain little people on long journeys and/or rainy days. But if your little princess manages to do it all and asks for more, you can have a look here for some more activities and here for the official website. Walker have also published a second book in this series, Where is Strawberry Princess Moshi?