Today I inaugurate a new feature on Library Mice. I am struggling at the moment to write a lot of reviews because of other commitments, but I am still constantly coming across wonderful, imaginative and magical picturebooks. So I have decided to feature one picturebook a week, whether it is a newly published one or a favourite from many months/years ago, but write shorter reviews instead.
Sara O’Leary (text) & Julie Morstad (illustrations)
(Simply Read Books)
Every night Henry and his father have the same routine. “Tell me about when I was small”, Henry asks. And so Henry’s father recalls episodes of his childhood, such as Henry sleeping in a teapot, and using a ruler as toboggan. “Is all that true?” Henry enquires at the end …
Delightfully retro in its design, When You Were Small marries Sara O’Leary’s eccentric and comical tale of a modern-day Tom Thumb with Julie Morstad’s exquisitely delicate and muted artwork. Text and artwork work in perfect harmony to create an unusual, sweet little book full of wit and brimming with love and comfort. There is a certain serenity oozing out of this book, and though little readers will be delighted by the wackiness and absurdity of some of the scenes, When You Were Small will spur tranquil bedtime reading.
Source: review copy from British distributor, Turnaround
Your approach has inspired me – I, too, need to get myself into posting more regularly but still managing to fit lots of other things in as well, so I will attempt to emulate your beautifully succinct style! Oh, and the book looks lovely too 🙂
Ah a lovely site and a wonderful choice of picture books (: great mix. I am a children’s writer/ illustrator, and alwasy feel warmed seeing sites like this (: Do you have an interest in Ebooks or just print? My website is Feel free to have a look.